Canarian tuno and its properties

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In the Canary Islands there are hundreds of hidden treasures within the great variety of gastronomic products that belong to this culture. Many of the fruits found in the Canary Islands are really beneficial for health and tuno is one of them.

There are many ways in which it can be prepared and you find it as part of multiple recipes. In addition, it has an endless number of attributes that make it ideal for improving our health. In this article we will teach you all about this incredible fruit, its benefits and how you can use it.

What is the canarian tuno?

It is also known as prickly pear fig, this fruit of the prickly pear or prickly pear consists of a hard looking fruit with a peel that has small black dots it can be yellowish and greenish tones.

Internally it has a pulp between orange and yellow with black seeds, soft interior texture and its flavor is sweet since it is rich in fructose.

Tuno is rich in different vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, K and C. In addition, it contains large amounts of vitamin B2 and B6.

10 Health Benefits of Canary Tuno

As we indicated in the previous section, the turn is a fruit rich in many compound properties that make it a carrier of great benefits for the health of the human being.

It is a food that can be used in a very versatile way and by making it part of your meals and daily diet you will begin to see a change in the functioning of the different systems of your body.

Here are 10 great benefits of this amazing fruit.

1. Weight and cholesterol control

One of the main benefits of the shift is that it helps speed up weight loss. The tuno has the characteristic that it is composed of 80% water, a quality that makes it a food that allows the elimination of liquids more quickly.

In addition to this, if we add it to our daily diets it allows us to reduce the consumption of fat, since this fruit does not have a large percentage of fat in its composition.

2. Vitamins and nutrients

The tuno is considered a really nutritious fruit, since among its components it has a large amount of mineral vitamins and compounds that help improve our health.

First of all, tuno contains vitamins A, K, B and C, on the other hand it is rich in calcium and iron that contributes to the strengthening of the bones oxygenation of the red blood cells and maintenance of hemoglobin levels.

It is also rich in potassium, magnesium iron and beta-carottones.

In Canarias Shop you can discover our artisan canarian tuno jam

3. Helps prevent ulcers and cleanses the colon

One of the great benefits of tuno is its attributes for the digestive system. Its high water content stimulates better digestion and function of the gastrointestinal system. In addition to this, tuno can be used as a natural tool to treat gastric ulcers and prevent heartburn.

It is also a very good tool to feed ourselves during pathological digestive processes, such as acidity. This is because it is a light fruit and also helps regulate the production of stomach acids.

4. Prevents constipation

In the same order of ideas, starting from the fact that tuno is really beneficial for the digestive system, its great properties are that it stimulates gastrointestinal motility, that is, it promotes the gastrointestinal movements necessary for the elimination process, thus being an excellent companion to combat constipation.

In Canarias Shop you can discover our artisan canarian tuno jam

5. Cleanse the liver

Another of the great benefits of tuno is the powerful metabolic properties it contains This makes it act directly on the liver helping to improve the metabolism eliminate toxin more quickly and reduce inflammation this organ by any condition product of external and toxic agents.

Tuno is even used to accompany the treatment of diseases such as liver cirrhosis that is caused by alcohol problems and directly affects the liver, also relieves pain in this area.

6. Avoid cardiovascular disease

Tuno also has excellent cardiovascular properties in the first place stimulates blood circulation prevents the accumulation of fat information from sclerosis in the blood vessels. the turn also stimulates the strengthening of the hair tissues, which allows the blood vessels to be stronger.

In addition, it allows the heart muscle to strengthen, which greatly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, ischemia, heart failure and heart attacks.

This also promotes a correct heart rate and therefore an efficient pumping to the rest of the body's organs.

7. Good against osteoporosis

The components contained in tuno allow it to be an ideal fruit to combat bone problems such as osteoporosis. One of them is calcium, which is a fundamental mineral to keep our bones strong.

On the other hand, vitamin D allows calcium to be absorbed into our blood, as well as vitamin C, in addition to contributing to bone strengthening.

Tuno has a high content of magnesium, a mineral that also allows us to take care of our bones and although with age the absorption of magnesium decreases, the large amounts of this component present in the fruit allow it to be used for the benefit of our skeletal system.

In Canarias Shop you can discover our artisan canarian tuno jam

8. Relieves headaches and menstrual pain

Tuno also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, on the one hand, it allows blood vessels to dilate and eliminates the pressure that causes headaches.

On the other hand, its anti-inflammatory properties also allow to avoid menstrual cramps, it is an excellent fruit to stimulate the regulation of the female hormonal system and to reduce the effects of premenstrual syndrome.

A good glass of tuno juice can greatly avoid the discomfort that occurs at this stage.

9. Acts as an anti-inflammatory

Its anti-inflammatory properties also help it to act in other processes such as post-operative stages of healing, as well as its use in people who practice sports to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Tuno also helps fight inflammatory pain due to fatigue and occupational conditions such as cervicalgia, lumbar pain, fluid retention in the ankles, among others.

10. Prevent hair loss

Another of the wonderful properties of tuno is that it prevents hair loss and allows us to prevent the mistreatment of our scalp.

In this sense, not only can we use it ingested as part of our culinary recipes or drunk in juice, but we can also prepare an excellent mixture that will help us take care of our hair.

It is about extracting the slime that is in its shell and with it make a preparation that you can use up to 3 times a week and you will notice the changes quickly.

The mucilage of the Tuno. Proceeds

The mucilage of tuno is a component of this fruit that allow us to extract an endless number of benefits that contribute to our health. It is a fibrous structure contained in this fruit and has a viscous appearance.

The bat can be used on a daily basis and make it part of our culinary preparations.

One of its main benefits of making a fiber is the gastrointestinal attributes that it possesses, since it promotes good digestive function and is excellent for combating constipation.

This fiber can also be used to decrease the effects in diabetic patients and combat this metabolic disease.

Do not forget that in Canarias Shop you can discover a wide sample of typical gastronomic products of the Canary Islands.

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