Properties of bracelet and lava stone Meaning and benefits.

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Lava stone has always represented a symbol that people respect and fear, as they represent the result of the eruption of powerful volcanoes. However, beyond being a symbol of the power of nature, volcanic lava stone has millenary uses that we will discover in the following article.

One of these uses is in the attraction of good energies through elements and objects. Stay and discover the properties of lava bracelets.

Volcanic stone. Origin and composition

Volcanic lava stone is one of the most abundant types of rock worldwide. According to some studies, more than 90% of the volcanic rocks on the entire planet are lava stones, known as basalt.

This stone is the product of the union of a series of gases and volcanic compounds that after an eruption come together, cool and solidify, forming a black stone with a very particular texture.

After a volcano erupts, basaltic lava slides across the surface of the volcano very quickly and can reach the areas closest to the volcano by covering those terrains. This happens, since this type of lava is lighter because of its low silicon content.

Having the ability to reach the regions closest to the volcano and cool down quickly, has made much of the planet's ocean surface covered by volcanic lava.

At present, it has been discovered that volcanic islands such as the Canary Islands, have an area totally formed by volcanic rocks. However, there are different varieties of volcanic stones that according to their origin are used for different uses. Let's see a little more about the way you're originating.

Origin of volcanic stone

Although all volcanic stones obviously originate during the eruption of a volcano, the solidification process may be different according to the time and place in which these stones arise as a result of the solidification of lava.

The most common and abundant on the planet is the one described above, the basalt stone. This is a type of igneous stone and originates from the outside of the volcano. Although they are the most abundant on the planet, they cannot be seen, as they are usually covered by sedimentary rocks.

On the other hand, the rocks called plutonic, originate inside the volcano and are expelled due to tectonic deformations. As it originates inside the volcano, its solidification and cooling process is slower. This type of rock can be observed with the naked eye on the earth's surface.

Composition of volcanic stones

The composition of volcanic stones will also depend on the type of rock and its origin. In general, volcanic stone can be composed of elements such as olvine phenocrystals, which are known as micro crystals, and also contain plagioclase and auguita.

The formation of these micro crystals is mainly due to the cooling process of the lava and the changes in temperatures that occur abruptly when it comes to the surface. This is one of the common features of all volcanic stones composed of a large number of crystals.

Those volcanic stones that are used for medicinal and cultural purposes also have a particular composition, which allows them to acquire the appearance they possess.

An example of this is the famous pumice stone, whose original name is the pumita. This stone is composed of silicon dioxide and different oxides such as aluminum.

Obsidian stone is also a volcanic rock used in many places as a decorative and artistic element, as well as for jewelry. This stone is formed by 70% silicone oxide and another part of aluminic silacates.

La Traquita is also a beautiful-looking volcanic stone thanks to its glass-like texture and pink, gray or gold coloration. This rock is composed of elements such as alkaline feldspar and in some cases, is bound with quartz.

What do lava bracelets mean?

It is important to note that over time the lava stone has not only been just another rock, but has gained special meaning within many cultures.

Many people consider that the lava stone is one of the elements with the greatest energy on the planet, because coming from the interior of the earth, it brings with it all the energy. That is why this stone is used to attract good energies and sometimes protect people and places from negative energies.

Volcanic stone is also synonymous with strength and endurance, and many people use it as a symbol of overcoming and perseverance. Lava bracelets are currently a garment that is used as an element to attract good energy, have protection and maintain emotional stability. 


You can discover the handmade collection we have, in our section of bracelets in lava

It is an excellent gift to give to your loved ones and to maintain balance in your day to day.

Some experts recommend placing it in the light of the full moon throughout the night so that your bracelet absorbs all the positive energies of the moon. It is said that these bracelets can absorb both positive energy and negative energy.

To cleanse it of negative energies some people recommend placing it in a glass glass with salt on the bracelet.

Properties of volcanic stones

How you can see volcanic stones are not only the product of eruptions of the past that remain solidified without a useful end.

It has been discovered the great advantages and benefits on the balance of the human being that today are used in a great way.

In fact, there are other elements besides the bracelets that are used by believers of energies and chakras and according to their location and the element you want to use and even the time of use, you can take advantage of the different properties.

Below we show you the three main properties and benefits that you can take advantage of volcanic stone.


You can see the special collection we have, in our section of bracelets and lava stones in silver

Eliminate negative emotions

One of the main properties of volcanic stone is that it helps the management of emotions and thoughts.

Volcanic stone can help emotional balance as it has the ability to absorb negative emotions, stress and feelings of anxiety.

This stone helps to face moments of tension, difficult decisions and even thoughts of going, sadness, hatred or resentment.

Believers of energies recommend that to get this relief, you place the stone in an accessory near your head every day or interdiary throughout the day.


You can see the handmade collection we have, in our section of bracelets and stones in lava

Seek protection

Just as we mentioned earlier, lava stone also has the power to absorb negative energies. That is why many people use it as protection.

Whether carrying a piece as I said, inside your bag or on a bracelet, it is believed that this can protect from bad desires, envy gossip and thoughts against you.

It is claimed that according to its use it can attract positive or negative energies.

Gives energy

Finally, one of the most important benefits of volcanic stone is that it serves as a revitalizer. Yes, this natural element is recommended to absorb the weight of fatigue, stress from many jobs, muscle loads and heaviness.

Lava stone allows a sense of vitality and energy to awaken in your body.

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