Rolled Minerals, what are they?

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When we talk about minerals, perhaps we imagine a set of metals that may or may not have a value thanks to their composition. But the truth is that minerals are much more than that and we can see them in everyday life more than we think.

There is a type of mineral that nature has given us, which are rolled minerals. These are a beautiful product of different phenomena on earth that result in perfectly formed stones, usually smooth and with a pleasant appearance.

In this article we will teach you what rolled minerals are and we will know more about their origin and properties.

Minerals, what are they?

Minerals are inorganic compounds. These are characterized by having a specific chemical composition that gives them different properties, which allows them to be used for different functions, so we can see them in everyday life in activities of different distinctions.

Minerals are classified by their components, from there their  uses can be extracted. We can see them in decorations, food, in the industrial area and more. There are different minerals found in rock formations that come from the disintegration of the earth's crust.

An example of more common minerals are malachite, magnetite, azurite, etc. Rolled minerals can be obtained from many of these products of the disintegration of the earth's crust and used for various functions.

Discover our collection of rolled minerals with energetic properties

What about rolled minerals?

The rolled minerals are also the product of geological processes such as erosion and the transport of rocks, which in this process are decomposing and allow that in this wear the physical properties of the same are exposed and even modifying the physical composition to give rise to other types of rocks.

Now, these minerals are used thanks to their beauty, for decorative purposes, so, in addition to their natural formation by erosion and corrosion of rocks, which are known as boulders, there are also rolled minerals that are perfected artificially.

This is done through a polishing process that allows to further highlight the physical virtues of the rock. In some cases, some rolled minerals are also subjected to some processes to modify their color.

How rolled minerals are formed

As described above, rolled minerals are the product of nature's processes. One of the main processes necessary for the formation of rolled minerals is erosion.

Erosion is the disintegration of rocks that happens by natural phenomena, such as precipitation that causes rocks to decompose into smaller fragments.

Another important natural phenomenon is the river transport that arises thanks to the rainfall that allows the wear of the rocks by dragging them by the water currents. This process allows the rocks to acquire a smooth surface.

This is the natural process for the formation of rolled minerals, but there are also different artificial processes that allow to improve or further exalt the appearance of them. Among them, polishing with a drumming machine, this makes aesthetically highlight properties such as color, transparency or brightness.

Discover our collection of rolled minerals with energetic properties

Where the rolled minerals are found

Thanks to the nature of their origin, it is normal to find the minerals rolled in places where the processes of erosion and river transport explained above end and where bodies of water usually flow, such as beaches, rivers, among others.

It is also common to find them in the cones of dejection, which is where the torrents of the rivers and important waterfalls arrive, such as waterfalls, jumps, etc., brought by the water currents that are responsible for transporting the small rocks.  

In these places, you can usually find them as small white and smooth stones, which usually come from granite or smooth black stones that come from basalt.

Use of rolled minerals and properties

There are many properties of rolled minerals as well as their uses. Being a product of different natural phenomena these minerals have been used since prehistory for different activities that include art, war and fun.

Among their uses, their physical characteristics allow them to be used in construction to make decorations in different structures such as floors, walls, columns, etc., through techniques known as the comatesco or the empredrado granadino.

Another use that has been given throughout history is for war, as a weapon used by slingers. This weapon was also used for hunting birds and other animals.

In art they have been used to make decorations, artistic soldiers with geometric shapes and as part of important structures, such as religious temples that are part of history.

They are said to also have esoteric properties, which is why many people use them as pocket stones or place them in specific places in their homes, offices or garments. This to attract love, fortune, for protection and to generate a mental and spiritual balance.

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