Canarian names and their meanings

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The Canary Islands are characterized by being full of an ancestral culture, surrounded by stories, myths and heroic stories that have a special meaning for their inhabitants. This makes the identity reflected in the names of its inhabitants and the meaning of them have a very great value.

So, if you are expecting a new baby in your family, in this article you will know Canarian names for boys and girls and their meaning.

Canary Names for Children

When we think of naming a child our desire is always to find a meaning related to noble characteristics, intelligence and strength. Many times we also take spirituality into account.

There are several options in terms of male names originating in the Canary Islands, however, many of these names have roots in Canarian legends. That's why before assigning a name to your child it is better that you know its meaning.

1. Nuhazet

This name is originally from the island of Tenerife. It has a deep meaning, because its translation is "the one who thinks or imagines", which brings a character of intelligence to the one who carries it.

2. Yeray

This name of Canarian origin has an imposing character, its origin is from the Winche culture and means the great and can also be translated as the fort

3. Aray

It is the masculine name Darian Gwinnett that has as its meaning The term shepherd. It differs from its female variation arai in the ending with "and", as well as having a different meaning.

4. Ancor

This name has a very beautiful meaning for the inhabitants of the island of Tenerife. It means Warrior and has a sense of bravery and boldness.

5. Mardonium

This name means for the Canarian culture Male Warrior, its origin has roots in the Persian culture, although it is also related to the martyr who bore this same name.

6. Jonay

According to the Guanche culture, it was the name that a prince of the island of Tenerife carried, its meaning is "prince of fire" and comes from a legend surrounded by courage, daring and audacity.

7. Irduene

Although this name may attract attention, because it seems somewhat imposing, its real meaning is evil spirit demon or devil so you will think twice before naming your child.

8. Bencomo

This name also has its origin in the island of Tenerife, it alludes to the leader of this island who ruled at the time of the conquest of the Castilians. It means Warrior man of Great Courage.

9. Rayco

This is also one of the most chosen Canarian names, since it alludes to the warriors of the Island of Tenerife, in the area of Anaga. It means bravery.

10. Dailos

It is a name that has Guanche origin. Its meaning is somewhat similar to "ancient indigenous" and its character relates to susceptibility and selfishness.

11. Abian

This name has its origin in the nobility. Its meaning is "the blond". This name comes from the Island of Gran Canaria in the area of Telde.

12. Chedey

This male name is related to a king who lived on La Palma Island. Its meaning is "Little Piece of Heaven" a perfect noun for your child.

13. Bentor

It is a real name that comes from the island of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It is the name given to the son of King Bencomo and means brave.

14. Gonzalo

It is a very common name not only in the Canarian culture but throughout Spain and has spread to the Hispanic world. Its meaning is related to war and translates as "ready for combat"

15. Ayoze

Male name of Guanche origin. Ayoze was king of Jandía (one of the two kingdoms into which Fuerteventura was formerly divided).

16. Bonfilio

It is a name of noble character, whose meaning is "good son". It was spread by a monk of the Catholic Church of the thirteenth century of Tuscan origin.

17. Airam

This name is attributed to an ancient Guanche prince. It is one of the most chosen of the Canarian culture and means "freedom".

18. Bicor

It is a name that has its origin in Latin, it means "the one who goes down with the flow". It is attributed to a Persian martyr of the fourth century.

19. Choim

It is a name of Guanche origin. This name is related to leadership and can mean "life" or also "the one who watches over the earth and the mountain".

20. Aday

This name of Canarian origin refers to the bravest warrior of the tribe, its meaning is "the one who lives under the water".

Canarian names for girls

In this part of the article we want to show you the names of girls who have the most famous Canarian origin. Most of them have a mystical origin and are related to some goddesses of the Canary Islands.

1. Ana Isabel

This compound name is one of the most famous in the Canary Islands, with a character of purity that means "funny and chaste woman".

2. Famara

It is a beautiful Canarian name that means quiet woman, its meaning denotes passivity and feminine beauty.

3. Tulia

It is a beautiful name that reflects predestination, love and future, means "destined for glory" and is undoubtedly one of the most conducive to your girl.

4. Anai

It is a name of Guarani origin. It is related to the princess who received this name and means "flower of the ceibo".

5. Easy

Another name that is beautiful for a girl is this, because its meaning is "luminous", referring to the beauty and purity of a girl.

6. Fayna

This name belonged to an ancient Canarian princess of Lanzerote and means "between light and fire".

7. Isora

It is originally from the island of Gomera and belonged to an aboriginal of it. The meaning of this name is "Cliff".

8. Yunera

It is one of the names that, although it is of Canarian origin its meaning of evil note since it is related to evil spirits.

9. Nisa

This name is related to a princess originally from the Canary Islands, which means "The sold".

10. Cathaysa

Like other names this is related to the history of the Canary Islands and is attributed to a girl from Tenerife who was sold in Valencia and means "the one who comes from outsidex.

11. Attenya

This is an excellent name to put on your little daughter, it means "the one who comes from singing".

12. Itahisa

This name is related to a story of sacrifice and suffering because it is the name of a princess who was kidnapped and then sold into slavery in Valencia.

13. Iballa

It is the name of a princess with a strong and brave character originally from the island of La Gomera who was able to face the feudal leader of La Isla.

14. Chaxiraxi

It is a name related to spirituality and divinity, currently this deity was equated with the Virgin of Candelaria.

15. Moneiba

This feminine name refers to the girl who has character strength, vigor and power. It is related to the Goddess who protects women.

16. Aniagua

This feminine name is related as a queen of the island of Lanzarote and means that which is sweet.

17. Gazmira

It is the name of a renowned woman of the time who served to mediate between Governor Maldonado and the palmeros who were in captivity.

18. Tahona

It is a name with imposing and powerful character means the one that is in the cabin.

19. Arminda

It is a name of the nobility daughter of King Guayasen whose name was later changed to Catalina.

20. Gara

It is the name of the princess who fell in love with Prince Jonay and who sacrificed her life for love when she was persecuted by those who opposed her romance.

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