Mojo Picón, origin, curiosities and where to buy

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We want to talk about the mojo picón, the traditional Canarian sauce of international character, which has conquered the whole world and is characterized by its flavor and strength. We will tell you its origin, curiosities and how to prepare the best mojo Canarian picón.

The Mojo is the sauce par excellence of the Canary Islands and serves to accompany various dishes (meats, fish, potato). There are different types of mojos, depending on which will accompany and can range from mild to very spicy flavors

Origin of the picón mojo

The origin of the mojo Canarian picón is centenary, being today a reference of the islands and is internationally recognized for its flavor and traditional characteristics.

There is already evidence of its presence in the spice trade in the nineteenth century. Since then, this traditional Canarian sauce is well known in the world of gastronomy as a condiment of various dishes.


It has in its elaboration, the fair presence of oil, garlic and vinegar, considered natural ingredients of first quality. You can add pepper, chillies or paprika, all of them spicy and that give it that special flavor.

It is an international sauce that is consumed in different parts of the world, where some components such as vinegar, can be replaced by lemon juice.

Types of Canarian mojos

They are divided into three main categories, mojos green (soft and picón), mojos red (soft and picón) and Almogrote (soft and picón).

The original Canarian recipe of salsa mojo picón has been seeing how it tastes full of personality, and welcomes the flavors of the Canarian customs and Venezuelan cuisine. You can not miss oil, vinegar and garlic, but accept spices or other ingredients such as: saffron, coriander, cumin, chili powder, nuts and even avocado.

What are the benefits of Mojo Picón?

It contains red pepper which is good for the eye., it has antioxidant properties thanks to the use of black garlic, being a good diuretic.

It stimulates the immune system and promotes blood circulation. It also provides essential assets, nutrients, minerals and vitamins (A, B1, B3, B6 and C), among the most important, and depending on the ingredients used (oil, garlic, tomato, garlic or both red and green peppers).

Where to buy the best mojo picón

In Canarias Shop we love the Canarian conina and we have a selection of the >> best mojo picón in its different variants. We want you to enjoy the authentic Canarian sauce, made with the best raw materials on the island.

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