8 benefits of handmade soap

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Currently, the natural takes an increasingly important boom in terms of personal care. The care of your skin is not far behind in this regard, so having a soap that cleans your skin and is free of allergens, perfumes and harmful chemicals is very important.

In this article you will know 8 benefits of handmade soap.

What is an artisanal soap?

Artisanal soaps are mixtures made by hand and passed through a process known as cold saponification. This process consists of the chemical reaction produced by the union between essential oils, butter and soda, which can be caustic or potassium.

This reaction causes the three components to solidify and result in an artisanal soap.

To do this, most handmade soaps are dried in the sun so that they are not subjected to direct heat that can alter their chemical composition.

Currently we can find handmade soaps used in cosmetics for the care of sensitive or allergic skin to some chemicals found in conventional soaps.

Using handmade soaps will bring multiple benefits to your life, including the following.

1. Organic and natural ingredients

One of the greatest virtues of handmade soaps is that they are made from totally natural and ecological ingredients.

The handmade manufacture of handmade soaps, avoids the use of chemicals harmful to the body and allergens that cause irritations in your skin.

In addition, the pure properties of the ingredients used to manufacture natural soaps mean that the healing, healing and restorative effect can act directly on your skin.

For its elaboration you can use plants such as aloe vera, which has regenerative virtues on the skin and relieves irritations.

You can also use ingredients such as oatmeal, which helps soften the skin and also serves as a wonderful exfoliant that allows you to eliminate dead skin and impurities.

You can know here our range of artisan soaps

2. They have essential oils

Essential oils are a wonderful ingredient that not only gives oiliness to soap but also has wonderful effects and properties on the skin.

Essential oils are extracted from fruits, plants, tree bark or leaves that allow them to take advantage of their cosmetic or therapeutic effects.

It is usually common to see vanilla essential oils, which have soothing and antioxidant properties. Another very used essential oil is orange blossom oil, this has relaxing virtues that will give a feeling of calm.

Other oils such as cinnamon and sage have antiseptic and healing properties, which is ideal for healing irritations or sensitive areas of your skin.

Do not forget that in addition to all the healing and therapeutic properties of essential oils, they provide a pleasant aroma to soaps that avoid the use of perfumes or artificial essences.

3. Cleanse the skin of impurities and take care of it

Another great advantage of using handmade soaps is that they give you the security of taking care of your skin due to its ecological nature.

Dermatologists currently recommend handmade soaps in a great way since they are natural antiseptics, this allows your skin to be free of the proliferation of bacteria, avoiding infections or irritations.

This is ideal for conditions such as acne, where the complexion must be cared for and kept clean and disinfected.

In addition, being natural, they have a neutral pH that prevents your skin from being subjected to a level of harmful acidity, which is very functional if you are allergic or have very sensitive skin.

4. Natural odors

Artificial fragrances are one of the factors that produce allergies in people, these fragrances usually have many allergens that produce rhinitis or even skin irritations.

If you like to be scented and smell good but want to avoid damage or affections on your skin, handmade soaps are an excellent alternative that will not only cleanse your skin, but leave a natural aroma throughout your body.

The natural fragrances generated by the aforementioned essential oils are permanent and soft, do not depend on chemical alterations and therefore, do not alter the pH of your skin or affect it negatively.

If you are passionate about natural cosmetics, you can discover our selection of natural soaps

5. Environmentally friendly

The process of making handmade soaps is respectful of the environment, both in mass production by artisanal producers and in home manufacturing.

First of all, it is not necessary to use tests on animals, which is a great advance over traditional cosmetics, since they usually use animals in their laboratories to test soaps, directly affecting these species.

On the other hand, handmade soap can be tested on people in a simple way and without harming their health, since the ingredients are totally natural. Also, the elements used for its elaboration are easy to obtain and do not require aggressively violating forests or flora.

6. They have glycerin

Glycerin is one of the basic ingredients of handmade soaps. It is a liquid alcohol that makes soap mild, and increases its moisturizing properties.

In addition to contributing to thickness and solidification, there are many benefits that glycerin can bring to artisanal soaps.

This wonderful ingredient is used to treat strong skin conditions, such as burns, wounds and acne.

In addition to this, glycerin has perfect moisturizing functions to use in the treatment of dry skin or in already healed areas that need to regenerate.

It also has antibacterial properties that prevent the proliferation of microorganisms in your skin and contributes to the prevention of skin aging.

7. They have no chemicals

Currently, cosmetic products and especially soaps used for personal hygiene, are saturated with ingredients and chemical compounds that give them the cleaning properties they possess.

One of the main ones as far as soaps are concerned are detergents, which in most cases are strong to enhance the effect of cutting grease and removing dirt.

Apparently this can be a positive effect, however, it has been shown through different studies, that these detergents can affect the integrity of healthy skin and also add radicals and toxins to the cells of the body that contribute to the development of diseases such as cancer.

This seems extreme, however, if we analyze the sum of chemicals we use on a daily basis, it could be alarming the risk we run.

Artisanal soaps provide the opportunity to use natural detergents and not subjected to chemical processes that take care of the integrity of your skin and prevent irritation and cell damage.

If you are passionate about natural cosmetics, you can discover our selection of natural soaps

8. Rich in vitamins

Thanks to the saponification process, artisanal soaps retain the properties of their ingredients, so that the vitamins they have and the effects they have on the skin are not affected.

These vitamins contained in the handmade soap, nourish your skin in a great way changing its appearance notoriously when using them as part of your personal grooming routine.

This allows your skin to stay fresh, smooth and delays aging, as well as stimulating the circulatory system by properly irrigating even the smallest blood capillaries that are responsible for nourishing your skin.

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