Cosmetics and Aloe Vera

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Aloe vera is one of the most well-known medicinal plants worldwide, not only because its natural characteristics allow it to flourish in practically any territory, but also because of the large number of properties it has in favor of health and well-being.

In this article you will know everything about this wonderful plant and the use of aloe vera in cosmetics.

What is Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera is an ancient plant used for more than 3000 years for medicinal and healing purposes. This plant (aloe) has many varieties worldwide, but it is Aloe Barbandesis or Aloe vera, the most used for therapeutic purposes.  

In Spain, this plant arrived thanks to the Muslim invasion and several plantations were established throughout the Spanish territory, which were later taken to America at the time of the conquest.

It is a plant that does not need great care and is able to adapt to arid territories, where there is no availability of water.

Uses of Aloe Vera

It is one of the oldest plants in the world of naturopathic medicine and cosmetics, thanks to its composition it has been possible to take advantage of each of the parts of its structure. Below we will show you what are the uses that are given to the components of aloe vera.

Do not forget that in Canarias Shop we have the best selection of cosmetics in Aloe Vera


This liquid is located in the center of the leaves, and is the most abundant product of the plant, made up of a concentrate of mucilages that have different properties.

Multiple uses of this liquid have been found, especially in the dermatology industry, as it has been proven to have regenerative, anti-inflammatory and healing properties that allow the natural restoration of the skin.

The cosmetological industry has also taken advantage of these properties for the manufacture of products that help soften the texture of the skin. In addition, it is used as a dietary supplement in different beverages.


It is the lipid part of the aloe vera plant, this component is mainly used by the cosmetological industry thanks to its softening and repairing properties.

In this industry, aloe vera  oil is used topically as a carrier oil for other lipid products, to prolong and enhance the effect of these on the skin.

In addition to this, aloe vera oil contained in different dermatological and cosmetic products allows to remove skin spots, stretch marks, marks and scars on the skin.

Dry exudate

The dry exudate is contained in the vascular part of the plant and is excreted by the cells of aloin, which is what is properly known as aloe. Aloe is known as a substance used for its cathartic effect, this means that it has the ability to modify the consistency of the stool, facilitate gastrointestinal transit and allow a healthier fecal elimination.

This compound is also used in alcoholic beverages to give them a bitter taste.

Properties of Aloe Vera

Each of the molecules that make up aloe vera, provide a series of properties usable for different benefits related to the well-being of the human being. Here we show you a small list of what are the wonderful properties of aloe vera.

Promotes skin health

It is one of the most outstanding properties of aloe vera, in fact it is known mainly for its regenerative effects on the skin. Aloe vera has the ability to moisturize and strengthen skin cells allowing it to acquire a healthy, smooth and more flexible appearance.

In addition, its components allow it to be an excellent cleanser and purifier for the skin since it contains vitamins B, C, mucilages and minerals that allow to reduce spots on the skin.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic

This is one of its most outstanding properties, since it has been used as an anti-inflammatory for thousands of years. It is said that  aloe vera can produce an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect very similar to that of steroids, because it acts very similar to hydrocortisone, being very useful in painful blows or irritations on the skin.

In Canarias Shop we have the best selection of cosmetics in Aloe Vera visit our online store specialized in Canarian products 


Another of the great properties of aloe vera is that it has antibacterial and antiseptic effects. The molecular composition of aloe vera stops the proliferation of bacteria and destroys the means for them to live, that is, it deeply purifies the skin, so since its discovery it is used as a treatment even of open wounds on the skin.  

This allows aloe to also purify pores and prevent conditions such as acne or serious skin infections.

Nutritional uses

Aloe vera is also rich in Vitamins of the B and C complex, these vitamins participate in the absorption and metabolism of food, allowing them to be converted into energy used by the whole body for neurological and cardiovascular function.

It is also used for some diets, as it can generate a feeling of satiety, making appetite better controlled and preventing disproportionate weight gain.

Natural antioxidant

Free radicals are somehow toxic substances that adhere to our cells and can cause cellular diseases such as cancer. Aloe vera is rich in Vitamin E, Amino Acids and enzymes such as oxidase, catalase or amylase, which allow the elimination of these toxins in the body.

Helps healing wounds and burns

Aloe vera is also an excellent healer and helper in the treatment of wounds and burns, as it contains plant hormones that allow the acceleration of skin regeneration. It also contains vitamin E and C which are excellent at strengthening skin cells, so using it on wounds and burns will help heal faster.

Contributes to hair health and scalp strengthening

Currently there are complete lines of hair products made from aloe vera, but you can also use it naturally, making masks for your hair. This wonderful plant gives it a shiny and silky effect and strengthens the hair strand preventing it from breaking easily.

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