10 typical things of the Canary Islands, to give away

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If you are thinking of traveling to the Canary Islands or have already done so, but you want to know typical Canarian things, we will help you to know 10 gifts or souvenirs that you can not miss.

Mojo picón

The mojo picón is undoubtedly an essential food or condiment in Canarian gastronomy, but it transcends culinary boundaries and is known internationally. You can find different mojos, green, red, flavored, sweet, spicy...

It is a gastronomic gift that you can not overlook, if you come to the islands and with which you will surely brighten up the best dishes, from the delicious wrinkled potatoes, to the best meat or fish planto. A sauce that brightens the eye and life.

In Canarias Shop we have for you, the best mojo picón

Artisan jewelry in lava

Canarian artisans have been working for many years one of the unique raw materials on the island. The lava.

From it are born creations designed in lava and natural stones, with artisan care. They are designs in the form of earrings, necklaces and bracelets mainly, which has in common, the originality of the lava carving. It is said that they have many energetic properties and that they help to eliminate tension and negativity, by their magnetic properties.

If you visit the Canary Islands, do not hesitate to choose one of these presents, to always remember how special the Canary Islands have. They are part of them.


Discover in Canarias Shop our collection of jewelry in lava

Canarian knife or Naife

Surely you already know it, if you have already been or visited the Canary Islands. The Naife is a typical Canarian knife that transcends history and leaves a legacy of mixtures, travel and an ancient craftsman's trade.

In an origin, it was used in the cultivation of bananas, and although it has a very possibly Toledo or Albacentense origin, it was in the islands, where it acquired its full personality and became an instrument of the Canarian culture itself, for its essence and meaning.

Today, there are a large number of master cutlers who guarantee the full and absolute survival of this deep-rooted tradition in the Canarian culture, with knives that are almost works of art.

Discover in Canarias Shop our collection of canarian naife

Remembrance of Virgen Del Pino

The Virgen Del Pino, is the patron saint of the Canary Islands. You can visit it in the basilica of Teror and on September 7, in the prelude to its festivity, a pilgrimage is made that is an offering to the Virgin and has a great popularity on the island.

Patroness of the Diocese of the Canary Islands and that gives rise to one of the most important festivals of the Canaries in general and of Teror in particular, which relates that the image of the Virgin appeared on top of a pine tree, being called in its origin, Santa María de Therore.

Discover in Canarias Shop our collection of figures, prints and rosaries of the virgen del pino

Canarian lava jewelry in silver

The Canarian lava is an inexhaustible source of craftsmanship in the form of jewelry, which takes its maximum expression, when united with silver, in the form of unique collections of the Canary Islands.

Both for its conception, and for the long artisan tradition in working these special raw materials, the Canary Islands is undoubtedly a unique place in the world when it comes to being able to choose such special creations.

Remember that if you come to the Canary Islands, jewelry in lava and silver, has to be part of your essentials and are the best memory of unforgettable days in the Islands.

Discover our collection in canarias.shop of Canarian lava and silver jewelry

Canary Aloe vera

Who does not know aloe vera?, surely all, but the Canarian aloe vera, can boast of having its own characteristics, due to the latitude and temperatures in its cultivation. That's why canarian aloe vera is so desired and demanded.

The Canarian Aloe Vera, has unique properties and preserves intact, all the characteristics of this special plant. If you travel to the Canary Islands, you can find a selection of the best Aloe Vera, in a process where all the estractos are extracted and purified and being its use, in the care of the skin and its cosmetic properties, the most usual.

You already know, do not return from the Islands with the authentic aloe vera and surely if you are thinking of a special gift, this is undoubtedly one of the most suggestive.

In Canarias Shop we have a selection of the best Canarian aloe vera

Jewelry in Platanera

The Canarian banana is known for its flavor and peculiarities, which make it unique, but surely you do not know that it serves as a raw material for a range of very Canarian jewelry, with creations in the form of earrings, bracelets, necklaces.

It can be said that each one has a special Canarian essence and that they are combined with others in the form of lava, oolivine and minerals.

You know, the banana jewelry, is ecological, natural and something very typical Canarian, created by artisans specialized in the creation of these small works of art.

Discover our collection of typical banana jewelry

Canarian ceramics

Canarian ceramics is another of the great gifts, to which to turn, when you want to make a very special present.

And it is that the traditional ceramics of the Canary Islands, has multiple ways of espresar all its peculiarities.

Discover our collection of Canarian ceramics

Volcanic art

When the good craftsmanship and the Canarian volcanic jewelry come together, we have as a result a wide range of jewelry, of bright colors, symbolizing the energy of the Canarian sun and the strength of the earth.

This type of art is very typical in the Canary Islands and ideal for a gift or souvenir of the essence of the fortunate Islands.

Discover our collection of typical volcanic art

Canarian decorative glass

The Canarian Crystal in its most decorative section, has as its main claim, the color and the motifs that accompany it.

You can find them in the form of a tray, candle carrier or tray, and all of them are made in the Canary Islands, by artisans of molten glass.

They are ideal to give away or as a souvenir, for their characteristic "lizards", very typical in their species, autocotone, as is the "spotted Canary lizard" and that has its habitat throughout the area of Gran Canaria, from low areas to areas with steep slopes.


Discover our collection of typical Canarian glass

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