Aloe Vera Canario. Origin, properties and benefits

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The canary aloe vera is a succulent type plant that has many properties and uses. It is known as a plant that is born mainly in desert and semi-desert places. Usually this plant needs warm climates to grow and is very easy to reproduce.

This plant is also known in other places with different names, such as aloe vera, acíbar or aloe from Barbados. It is a shrub that usually measure between 70 and 100 cm in height, with abundant and robust succulent leaves. In the Canary Islands, the cultivated Aloe Vera is unique in the world, due to its geographical location and the special climate.

They have a triangular shape and measure 30 to 40 cm long with 5 to 6 cm wide. The inside of these leaves has a wise gel type with different healing properties that we will study below.

Origin of aloe vera

The aloe vera plant is native to Africa, it occurs mostly in the Arabian area. The name aloe vera, has its root in the African word aloeh which translated means "bright and bitter substance" and was given this name precisely because of the internal characteristics and the wisdom of this plant.

It was also given the term aloe vera, which comes from the Arabic root "Çabila" meaning "thorny plant".

Later, at the time of the Spanish colonization, it was brought to America by the crews from the Hispanic kingdom because they used aloe vera as a healing plant in case of some infections or diseases.

The Spaniards already knew this plant because their territories were invaded by the Arabs and they left the aloe vera planted in their territories.

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Facts of Aloe Vera Canario

The aloe vera plant has a host of components in itself that provide it with different properties, which serve various uses both in medicine, cosmetics and more. Among the products that can be taken from this plant there are three that have the most beneficial properties of it. These are:


It is a kind of dry exudate that comes from the vascular cells of the plant, it is what makes it bitter and for this same reason it is used as an ingredient in some alcoholic beverages.


It is one of the main extracts that are taken from aloe vera and is in which we can find the greatest properties, especially those that are related to dermatology, such as its antibiotic, healing, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, etc. effect.


It is extracted directly from the leaves and has sedative properties. This aloe product is also used as a pigment carrier in cosmetology.

In addition to this, aloe vera contains more than 200 components including vitamins, minerals and acids that strengthen the immune system, protect the respiratory system and help strengthen the metabolic system.

What benefits can be obtained from Aloe Vera Canario?

Thanks to these products and properties of aloe vera, there are many benefits that can be obtained from this wonderful plant. Since ancient times this plant is used to cure different health conditions and in fact today it is used in different industries, such as medicine and cosmetology, to improve health problems.

Medicinal uses

In ancient times cultures such as India, Mexico, Japan and Greece, frequently used the aloe plant for the cure of various diseases. In Ancient Egypt it was also used by pharaohs to treat various diseases.

Below we will mention some of the medicinal uses that are given to this plant today.


Canarian aloe vera contributes to the stabilization of the intestinal flora and therefore to a correct digestive process and absorption of nutrients. In addition, this wonderful plant is ideal for removing toxins and impurities from the digestive tract thanks to its laxative properties. Moreover, it also prevents heartburn.


One of the main benefits of this plant is that it has excellent healing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which is ideal for the treatment of burns up to second and third degree. This plant helps disinflammation, pain relief and prevention of infections in the affected tissues.


On the other hand, aloe vera has antimicrobial benefits or antibiotics that can be used for the treatment of mild skin infections. In addition, its extract is used for creams and medicines used in the treatment of dermatitis, rashes and skin irritations.

Cosmetic uses

In addition to the benefits in the area of medicine, this plant is also known for its wide use in the cosmetic area for products such as soaps, moisturizing creams, balm, oils, among others. Here we name some cosmetic benefits of aloe vera.

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Hair care

With this wonderful plant you can make an endless number of masks for the hair that will help you prevent the fall of the same and to stimulate its growth and firmness from the roots. In addition to this, aloe vera is a very good component to give shine to the strands of the hair and to cleanse the scalp of conditions such as dandruff or seborrhea.

Acne Treatment

Aloe vera, or aloe vera, has the ability to penetrate the superficial layers of the skin, cleaning the accumulation of toxins that occurs in acne and also preventing irritations and rashes on the skin in these cases. It also helps to lighten the spots on the skin of the face.

Lightens the skin

In this sense, it not only serves for healing, but it is an excellent lightening of spots and scars on the skin of any part of the body, since it has moisturizing and regenerative properties that help to recover the skin after the healing of a wound, burn or rash.

Aloe Vera Canarian gel as make-up remover

As we know, removing makeup daily is vital for the care and health of our face. It is proven that aloe vera gel is very effective to remove makeup naturally, in addition to thoroughly cleansing and taking care of your skin.

Even many makeup remover products include aloe vera, which, in addition to removing makeup, fights wrinkles and fine lines.

Culinary uses

Currently aloe vera is used for the preparation of drinks in order to detoxify the body and eliminate substances that contaminate both the bloodstream and the digestive tract. In this sense, it is common to find it in juices, lemonades and smoothies, in addition, this plant serves for dishes such as stews and soups, as well as salads and sauces. Always the corresponding treaty for this purpose.

Aloe vera in general is a plant with various uses and is found in most of the world, as long as the planting conditions are met. However it is a very abundant succulent that you can have at home and take advantage of the best benefits at your fingertips.

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