10 Canarian Customs

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The Canary Islands are full of landscapes and majestic places that seem to never finish surprising us, but what gives the magic to our beautiful archipelago are the wonderful customs that make up its culture.

Today we will show you 10 Canarian customs that you must know to get more involved in this magical culture.

The Shepherds' Jumps

To begin this tour of the beautiful Canarian customs, we will start with what today is a slightly extreme sport, but that in ancient times was actually a custom that helped the work of the shepherds of the Canary mountains.

The jump of the shepherds is a sport that consists precisely of long jumps with the help of special poles that can reach more than two meters. The practice began many years ago when shepherds had to travel great distances and carry their flocks through the extreme peaks.

In the highest mountains, to cross from one side to the other, these were helped with the use of these canes made with pines of the Canarian flora and that today have evolved in their characteristics.  

The cursed dog of Puntallana

It is a tradition that is celebrated on the island of La Palma, in a picturesque and festive atmosphere every August 24.   It is a festival where the incessant struggle between good and evil is represented and is represented on the eve of the day of San Bartolomé celebrated in the hermitage that bears his name.

In this festival you will be able to see how a good angel and a bad angel appear, who fight for the triumph of good or evil. In the middle of the dispute, "the cursed dog" appears, the name by which the devil is known, who begins to release curses in the middle of the town.

St. Bartholomew appears to hold this picturesque red dog with horns, to establish again the triumph of good. During these festivities the canaries adorn the houses with garlic to scare away the evil spirits.

The festival of the puddle of La Aldea

It could be said that this is one of the most fun and humorous Canarian customs but at the same time very interesting in its context. The festival of the puddle, according to historical data is a practice that was carried out on the island even before its conquest by the Castilians, because it is based on a phenomenon that occurs in the sea.

It is a day when a large number of people go to the mouth of the ravine on the feast of the Rama and San Nicolás in the Gran Canaria to catch fish pushed by the sea that thanks to the strong tide are trapped in species of saltwater puddles.

The fishing takes place on September 11 and the most peculiar thing is the old clothing that fishermen usually wear, alluding to a sentence imposed two centuries ago by a religious leader during this time.

The festival of the branch of Agaete

Another of the most important and curious Canarian customs of the islands is located on the island of Gran Canaria and it is the festival of the branch of Agaete. It is a festival that is celebrated on August 4 and that has its origin in mystical customs of the pre-Hispanic inhabitants of the island.

In this festival, the natives of the highest areas of Gran Canaria, came down from the top of the mountains performing songs, dances and rituals in times of drought to invoke their gods and beg their favor manifested in rain.

When they reached the seashore, they hit the water with the branches calling for rain. Today you can enjoy this Canarian custom accompanied by the band Agaete, who with their music animate this fun party.

St. Jude at the stake

Among the Canarian customs, religion reigns in large part, as is the case of this festival celebrated on the island of La Palma. It is a custom practiced by parishioners and also by fishermen, at Easter.

On this feast an image is taken out depicting Judas, who betrayed Jesus Christ. It is burned in the square and the flames produced by the bonfire are used to light the paschal candle of all the churches on the island. The latter represents the resurrection and glory of Jesus Christ.

This festival is also celebrated in the town of Garafia in the festivities of Carmen.

Las Cruces de Mayo in Tenerife

Of the Canarian customs, this is one of the most beautiful, not only for the colorful environment and natural aroma that is appreciated in the middle of it but for the meaning it has for the Canaries.

This festival honors the name of the city of Santa Cruz Tenerife, the capital of the island. In the middle of this festival you can see how a large number of crosses are decorated by colorful flowers with an incredible aroma that surrounds the entire city.

This Canarian custom is replicated in Santa Cruz de La Palma in the spring season, throughout the month of May.

Night of San Juan

Another of the best known Canarian customs is that of the night of San Juan, and although its name seems to have a religious origin, the truth is that this festival is based on a pagan tradition practiced by the inhabitants of the Canary Islands.

This festival is celebrated on the summer solstice on June 23 each year, the shortest night of the year. There, the Canaries take advantage of removing all the suffering and attracting good vibes by bathing on the beaches of the renewing water tonight and adorning their houses with laurel branches.

Large bonfires are also built where objects representing pain or suffering are burned and some people walk through the bonfires still lit.

Canarian Ball

Sport is also a fundamental part of Canarian customs. Although there are many sports with which you can have fun as a spectator, some of them also allow you to participate and enjoy a competitive experience with your family or friends.

The Canarian ball consists of the formation of two teams of several players, who will throw different balls which must be approached to a smaller red one. The team that comes closest will accumulate points.

The idea is to hit the balls of the opposing team to move them away from the target. The team that accumulates the most points will win.

Silbo Gomero

This is, without a doubt, one of the most curious Canarian customs that exists and that also has a lot of years being practiced. As is evident, it is a tradition of the island La Gomera, one of the smallest in the archipelago.

It is a language that serves as communication between the gomeros through whistles that travel throughout the island. The orography of La Gomera allows it to be easy to hear the whistles from kilometers away and today this custom is still practiced by many inhabitants of the island.

Canarian Wrestling

Another of the sports that the Canarians are passionate about is Canarian wrestling, which has a peculiar way of being practiced and which is one of the favorite customs throughout the archipelago. So much so, that there are more than 18 teams, only in Gran Canaria.

It is about making the opponent touch the ground with any part of his body besides the sole of the foot and it is necessary to apply the technique rather than force.

It is a sport loved by the Canarians and practiced throughout the year as a great Canarian custom.

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